JPI HDL Conference "Diet as Leverage Point Towards a Healthy and Sustainable Food System" 20.2.19

Field: Health
Date: 20 Feburary 2019
Location: Brussels, Belgium
Organizer: JPI HDHL

The fifth international conference of the Joint Programming Initiative "A Healthy Diet for a Healthy Life" (JPI HDHL) will take place on 20 February 2019 in Brussels under the heading "Diet as Leverage Point towards a Healthy and Sustainable Food System".

There will be plenary lectures and panel discussions as well as interactive workshops on, for example, the following questions:
How could policy needs and research and innovation (R & I) be better connected?
What role could diet play towards a future food system?
What does this require from an R & I policy perspective?

An important, overarching theme will be how to improve the impact of research and innovation activities in the field of nutrition and physical activity to counteract nutrition-related illnesses.

Event and Registration: here

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