Reforming and Enhancing the European R&I System

The activities in the programme area Reforming and Strengthening the European R&I System intend to strengthen and further expand the research and innovation performance of the European Research Area and to promote cooperation between states.

This is to be done in 14 areas:

  1. strengthen the evidence base for research and innovation policy;
  2. Foresight activities - anticipating new needs and trends;
  3. support policy makers;
  4. support the transition to open science;
  5. support national reforms in research and innovation;
  6. offer researchers an attractive career environment, promote their skills and competencies and support the modernization of universities;
  7. Support citizen science and scientific education, involve citizens more and communicate with them;
  8. support and monitor gender equality;
  9. ethics and integrity in research and innovation;
  10. international cooperation;
  11. make a scientific contribution to other policy areas;
  12. support the implementation of Horizon Europe;
  13. support the National Contact Points;
  14. support the dissemination and use of results, data and knowledge from Horizon Europe.

(Source: BMBF)


Work Programme

Topics Widening participation and strengthening the ERA

Work Programme Widening participation and strengthening the ERA



Webpage EU Liaison Office of the German Research Organisations (KoWi)

Webpage European Commission



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