The research cycle of gender-sensitive research
This presentation provides information on how you - depending on the phase your project is in (idea generation, application, research phase or dissemination phase of the results) - work in a gender-sensitive way:
Source: "Toolkit Gender in EU-Funded Research" of the European Commission, Directorate General for Research and Innovation together with Yellow Window Management Consultants, Chapter 2.1 "How to Make Research Gender-Sensitive", 2011.Tips for the research cycle of your project:
Selection and recruitment of project team members
- open and independent selection, e.g. through a mixed selection panel at the job interview, sensitisation of the panel members regarding gender bias, also consider atypical CVs;
- use explicit, accurate and transparent selection criteria.
Working conditions and culture
- develop a work culture that creates fair working conditions (opportunities for training, access to funding);
- develop awareness of different individual circumstances and opportunities (in terms of mobility, individual career structures, etc.).
Monitoring und Management
- in order to avoid gender bias, participation opportunities should be equal: use monitoring systems, feedback mechanisms and experienced gender equality officers in the project